Lil' Scouts


Did you know...

The traditional way of education was by example and experience and story telling.

The first principle involved was total respect and acceptance of the one to be taught. And that learning was a continuous process from birth to death.

It was a total continuity without interruption. Its nature was like a fountain that gives many colors and flavors of water and that whoever chooses could drink as much or as little as they wanted to and whenever they wished. The teaching strictly adhered to the sacredness of life whether human, animal or plant.

But in the course of history there came a disruption. And then education became "compulsory miseducation" for another purpose and the circle of life was broken and the continuity ended.

It is that continuity which is now taken up again in the spiritual rebirth of the people.

Native Education

--Girl Scouts of Michigan Trails "Reflections"
newsletter, Vol. 6 No.2 Fall 2003


Happy Trails,
to all who travel through this site.

Girl Scout Troop 880

Spirit Ashes Ceremony & List
My ongoing list......


last update August 2003