Junior Girl Scout
Badges and Recognitions

   The majority of the badges are found in the Junior Guide to Badges and Signs (about a dozen are found in the Handbook, and are referred to as “Handbook badges”.)  The green-backed badges are easier to complete than the tan-backed badges.  Often, it takes more than one meeting to complete a badge.  Badges were previously divided by their border color, depending on the interest area they represent but are now all phasing to a solid green border.  Badges always go on the front of the vest or sash.

Badges are not main focus of our program, but rather, they give me a guide to things we can learn about as a troop and an outline of what to teach. 
Some scouts are very motivated by badges, and if this is the case, they are welcomed to earn badges on their own outside the troop.  Those in extra school programs often do arts and science programs that are directly linked to badge requirements.  Girls in music, dance, or sports programs also find they have met all the badge requirements through that activity.  If this is the case with your scout, she simply needs to tell  me what she has done to meet the requirements.  Sometimes she may need to write things down, bring in the art work, or just be able to articulate to me what she’s done and we’ll give her the credit.

If scouts miss a meeting where badge work is done, we will try to help them make it up later, but that can’t always be done.  If (and only if) it is important to your daughter to earn the badge that “everyone else got”, she simply needs to complete a missed requirement on her own.  We will do our best to keep everyone posted when they’re missing something in plenty of time for a Court of Awards ceremony.  Some badges are pre-requisites for other special badges, and that may influence whether a requirement should be made up or not.

 Patches commemorate an activity we did, and normally signify just participation in the event.  This can be participation in cookie or calendar sales, Thinking Day, a trip to a special event or camping.  Patches always go on the back of the vest/sash.

  We will also work to allow our scouts to earn special recognitions such as the “Junior Aide” badge (for helping Brownie Troops learn about Juniors), the Leadership Pin (for carrying out leadership projects and learning more about leadership), and the four “Signs” (Sign of the Rainbow, World, Satellite, and Sun).  The four different signs signify different collective areas of interest, normally require earning several related badges, and participating in specific projects).  Should your daughter earn any of these, you should be quite proud, as they represent the culmination of much effort.
 These are special times when our Scouts are formally recognized for their accomplishments and any other awards.   These are family events and the chance for your daughter to shine.  We normally have the girls plan these ceremonies themselves, which adds even more enjoyment to the evening.


On my honor, I will try
To serve God and my Country.
To help other people at all times.
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.